Tuesday, 29 March 2011


Yeah... i suck.

So loading up the pics of the Food Challenge didn’t happen. So i’ll put them all up on one go in the next post. Sorry.. :/

i still have not booked my visa appointment yet as i am totally broke. But will hopefully be able to phone and book it early next week. Hope this will be alright. This is not going to be a long post as the keyboard on my laptop is currently broken and every time i want to type the letter ‘i’ i have to copy and paste it from somewhere else... not ideal. it’s a really long story which i won’t type now but maybe put in a vlog later. it may have to be vlogs for a while as the apple store said it would be £160 to fix :(. Not great as i have a 3000 word assignment due in a couple of days which has not been started... on Apple ironically lol.
Anyways there will be a vlog and several food pictures going up soon, once i have struggled through this assignment... urgh.

Have a magical day......?

Monday, 21 March 2011

It's Finally Here!!

Okay, so my new camera cable has arrived! And i can start uploading the food pictures today :)  So Day 1 of my one week Disney Food Challenge I had a mickey shaped bbq chicken pizza and it was yyyyyummy! 

You can get these basic pizzas in Tesco and I just fried up some chicken in bbq sauce and then smothered it in the stuff.
Something a little more exciting than pizza...
It was smooshed through the letter box by the post man this morning.
Unfortunately I had already given in and read the pdf version of the pack a few weeks ago so it was not much of a surprise but its still great to have it and make it feel that much closer.  Here are some pics for those of you that haven’t got yours yet:

So now just have to book my visa appointment, you are meant to do it immediately but I am totally broke right now so will have to wait till i get paid on Thursday :/ .
Also, looking forward to the Manchester meet next weekend, can’t wait to meet you all!  Thanks to Sarah Ward for organizing it all.  
Also, I saw a feature on Bethan John’s blog which I think is a fantastic idea and that is her ICP Bucket List, so I have decided to do the same (sorry Beth).  A lot of the things on my list are probably similar to everyone else’s ‘To Do List’... so we can do them together :D
I’ll put a link to my list at the top of this page.

I can't believe it's only 64 days to go!  And it will go by so fast! Between meet ups, visa appointments and uni stuff the time will fly by.  Will update again tomorrow with Day 2 of the Disney Food Challenge =)

Have a Magical Day!

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Rabbit Chews Camera Cable - Food Pictures coming

So unfortunately, my camera cable has been chewed right through by my rabbit, Sophie and so I can't upload any pictures of the week food challenge that I did, but they are sitting on my camera and I'll put them up as soon as I get my new cable.  So this is really just an update on that to let you all know, I haven't forgotten and they are coming!